
Happy 2011!!!

Happy New Year to all of you out there!  I hope you all had a great 2010.  2010 was so good to me but I have a feeling (or was that a little punch or a kick? :) ) that 2011 will be even better. 

One thing that 2010 brought to me was the ability to pursue my dream of making cakes, a gift that was more than I could have asked for.  And it brought me all of you out there, my support network and the reason I can keep this blog going.  Thank you, thank you, thank you! 

Here's a little cake I made a few months back that I thought was only appropriate to post here now and "toast" to an amazing new year.  Here's to a wonderful NEW year for all of you.

This was a "half-birthday" cake made for a special person who was celebrating her 20.5-birthday, just six more months until her 21st birthday bash!

Vanilla cake with chocolate fudge frosting.  Wording is hand-painted.  Everything is edible (except the cup).
 Cheers to 2011!

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