
Super Mario Bros. Cake

As promised, here's just one of the cool cakes from this weekend.  It's Super Mario Bros. themed!!!  Man, I had flashbacks to childhood making this cake-- I started remembering the little songs that played during the different levels, remembered the character's names (it took me a few days)... it was fun!  Anyways, back to the cake, since I know I usually just want to see the pictures....

Some of the little details...

On a side note, I found my old Gameboy the other day-- you know, the old black and white one (or should I say greenish and grayish)?  It doesn't work anymore but that thing could be in a museum somewhere.  I think I'll keep it just so my (future) kids can laugh at me one day. 

Kids have it so good these days-- XBox 360 and the Wii and the new Gameboys--the characters are so clear and it's not all pixels but, hey, I can't complain 'cause this cake would've looked a little weird if the characters were still pixels...

Happy Birthday Mark! 

Stay tuned for the other cool cake from this weekend.  I have to admit that my camera is dying and it's not just the batteries so the pics won't look all that great but, hey, you'll get the idea...

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