
How it really began...

This is how it all truly began, I think...
This is me at my 2nd birthday party with a cake my Mom made. Do you see the look on my face? I think my obsession started young.

And I've always loved being in the kitchen (though I think my love of dish washing has waned).

we always had amazing cakes growing up. I think this was my 8th birthday party. I'm the one in the pink and yellow stripes (OMG, ya' think stripes were popular in the 80's? Also, look at that massive video camera my brother is holding!!! ha ha)

Oh, and Halloween... I loved Halloween! It was always so much fun to dress up and get all that CANDY! I'm Cinderella in this picture and I think I'm holding a Tootsie Roll. I still love Tootsie Rolls (and they make great cake decorations too). So, yes, I have always loved sweets.

Then, my creating started with candy. In middle and high school, I made divinity for my teachers for Christmas, every.single.year. Around the holidays, I'd make sugar stained glass and taffy too. I just loved being in the kitchen and making sweets. Then, somewhere along the way, I started making cakes.

These are my first few (sad) attempts at cakes...

These are cakes I made waaaaaayyyyy back in college. It was a game weekend and I had a friend from the rival school visiting me (can you guess where I went? Sorry, any of you Tech fans).

And I just had to throw this picture in here because it's another example of cakes and their importance in my life. This is me and my husband several, several years ago, on one of our first dates. We baked a cake together. Awww....

More posts of my recent cake creations coming soon...

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