
Ladybugs: Oh So Sweet Cake

I know I've said over and over that each time I make a cake, it becomes my new 'favorite' one.  But, um, I have a new favorite...

I got to make this cake for an ADORABLE little girl who was turning one!  I have to give her parents all the credit for picking out quite possibly the cutest party supplies ever.  They used these party supplies and, when they sent me the info, I could barely wait to get started on this cake.  So cute!

The cake itself was red velvet on the top tier and yellow on the bottom tier.  I had so much fun making the little ladybugs and their little 'trails' on the cake sides. 

And, of course, there's this pink ladybug on the top. 

I know, too, that I've said I love my 'job' and you might be sick of reading it but I really, really LOVE what I do.  I love that I get to see old friends I haven't seen in a long time (but we won't think about how long it's been, mmmmk?  I don't want to know that I've nearly doubled in age... ugh) and meet their beautiful families.  I feel so blessed.

Speaking of favorites, I now have a new favorite cake category: baby's first cakes. 

I just wish I'd taken a photo of the smash cake for this one.  I guess you'll just have to trust me that it was cute.

Happy Birthday Ella!


Airplane Cake

I'm so honored when I get any cake request.  I've always loved making cakes and I really feel so blessed to be doing this on a daily basis. 

So, when I get to make a child's first birthday cake? 

I got to make this cake for a baby boy's first birthday.  His parents are pilots (lucky kid! I think there might be lots of exciting travel in his future) so it was only appropriate that it include a plane...
And I was FINALLY able to do a technique that I've been waiting to do for so long.  I made sugar clouds! 


And, what first birthday party is complete without a smash cake?

Happy Birthday Connor!


LOST cake

Unless you've been hiding under a rock, you know that ABC's much-loved series LOST has ended.  I think there was as much pomp and circumstance for this finale as there is for Super Bowl games.  Seriously, if you watched it, you know that even the commercials were LOST-themed.  Craziness. 

So, I was so very, very excited to get an order for a LOST finale party cake a few weeks ago.  I literally started coming up with ideas for this cake as soon as it was mentioned.  I quickly realized I was very much lost (ha ha) regarding LOST after not watching it for awhile.  But, hey, did you know that there is even a LOST-themed wikipedia?  AND IT WAS ON LOCK-DOWN from public editing so no one would spoil the show's ending.  Seriously.  I COULD NOT BELIEVE the amount of information on the internet published by the show's viewers!  And oh, the theories spinning around!  Geez. 

After a whole lot of planning and days of work (on the decorations. The cake itself was fresh!), here's the cake....
I tried to be as accurate as possible with the shape of the LOST island and the placement of all of the decorations according to where each incident happened/area was on the actual show. 

The cake order included three requests: the plane crash, the black smoke that kills people, and the recurring mysterious numbers from the show. Can you find them all?

I hid the numbers on the back of the DHARMA vans as "license plates."

The ruins of the four-toed statue and the tail-end crash site for the plane.

Everything was edible!

I had a whole lot of fun making this cake but was very glad to deliver it and get it out of my sight but only because, being a bit of a "cake perfectionist", I could have kept working on it for days and I would have still found things I wanted to fix. 

After years of digging in the dirt, traveling way too much, and always trying to make clients happy in an unhappy "business world" (more on that later, if you're interested), I LOVE what I get to do and feel so incredibly blessed.  I can't explain how good it feels to see someone smile when they see their cake.  Here's hoping I keep producing smiles. 

Regular Ol' Cakes

This blog has been neglected.  Absolutely neglected!  I've been having too much fun baking, enjoying warmer weather, and taking a little mini-vacation with my sweet, sweet husband. 

Here's what I've been doing lately:

The most amazing carrot cake ever.  I crave this stuff every time I make it (because I don't get to enjoy it myself!).  Seriously, I got this recipe from an old-school recipe book and this is the best carrot cake I've ever eaten.  The husband was very upset that I did not make one for him too so there may be another carrot cake in the oven soon.

A coconut cake that is just too pretty on its own. 
Can I be honest?  I'm not a big fan of coconut cake.  Seriously.  I'm not a big fan of any coconut dessert.  And I love sweets!  But this is one DELICIOUS coconut cake. 

Lemon-glazed pound cake!  Scrum-diddely-um-ptious.  I wish there was smell-o-vision on this blog because the smell of this cake baking and the amazing aroma of the lemon-glaze melting on the fresh-out-of-the-oven cake...OMG. 

So, I promise not to neglect this blog as much in the future.  I'm working on several amazing cake projects that I can't wait to post here. 

You want a hint of what's coming up?  I'm getting LOST (he he).  Check back soon for some oh-so-fun decorated cakes!